An easy and yummy butternut squash soup adapted for the Instant Pot®. Apple and carrot add extra flavor. Garnish with extra coconut milk and a sprinkle...
My favorite fall soup of all time, roasted butternut squash soup is cheap, easy, nutrition, and absolutely delicious. If you're feeling like something...
Butternut squash, sweet potato, carrot, and garlic roasted in large pieces and then added to onion, celery, apple, and vegetable broth. Immersion blender...
An easy, fast, fresh-to-table soup that's hearty and nourishing enough to be a full meal for the family! You can sprinkle toasted nuts or seeds on top...
Make chicken soup easy by using store-bought rotisserie chicken instead of cooking your own. Fresh veggies like kale and winter squash and fiber-packed...
This is a spicy, flavorful fall soup. It lends it self well to substitutions, and you can use any kind of firm squash and any kind of bean. You can also...
This is a spicy, flavorful fall soup. It lends it self well to substitutions, and you can use any kind of firm squash and any kind of bean. You can also...
I created this butternut squash soup with bacon on Christmas Eve, which was a huge hit. The caramelized roasted squash gives the soup extra depth of flavor....
I created this butternut squash soup with bacon on Christmas Eve, which was a huge hit. The caramelized roasted squash gives the soup extra depth of flavor....
Let's begin the summer with this delicious creamy butternut squash and corn soup! This is so simple but makes an excellent lunch to freshen your mood and...
Let's begin the summer with this delicious creamy butternut squash and corn soup! This is so simple but makes an excellent lunch to freshen your mood and...
Let's begin the summer with this delicious creamy butternut squash and corn soup! This is so simple but makes an excellent lunch to freshen your mood and...
This soup is so easy to make and tastes so good. You can blend it smooth or leave it chunky. You can top with a dollop of sour cream or plain Greek yogurt...
Roasted butternut squash, fresh fennel, onions, and garlic are blended with spices, marmalade, and cream for a deliciously decadent soup that's the perfect...
So easy and so perfect for fall, this one's from the collection I created for my kiddo when she was a starving college student. I top it with toasted pumpkin...
This wonderful soup has become the newest addition to my family's traditional Thanksgiving dinner. It is hearty and delicious and perfect for banishing...
Butternut squash roasted with chocolate, chili peppers, and other goodness pureed down to a soup. Even my squash-hating sweetie enjoyed it. Garnish with...
Very filling and even a little naughty, this butternut squash soup is a decadent appetizer. Butternut squash is hearty on its own, but the coconut milk...
That's what I call YUMMY COMFORT food! To make it a bit richer I saute one large onion in 5 tablespoons of butter sprinkled with one tablespoon of brown...
Butternut squash, sweet potato, carrot, and garlic roasted in large pieces and then added to onion, celery, apple, and vegetable broth. Immersion blender...
Roasted butternut squash, fresh fennel, onions, and garlic are blended with spices, marmalade, and cream for a deliciously decadent soup that's the perfect...
A delicious, vegan butternut squash soup. It's a version of a well-known soup recipe that's easily adjusted to your own preference, but is also amazing...
Delicious soup with a taste of curry and a lime cream is just the right kind of complement. Spice it up with cayenne pepper. Add some cilantro, shrimp,...
Very filling and even a little naughty, this butternut squash soup is a decadent appetizer. Butternut squash is hearty on its own, but the coconut milk...
Butternut squash, sweet potato, carrot, and garlic roasted in large pieces and then added to onion, celery, apple, and vegetable broth. Immersion blender...
This soup is so easy to make and tastes so good. You can blend it smooth or leave it chunky. You can top with a dollop of sour cream or plain Greek yogurt...
I needed to use up root vegetables I had on hand and came up with this recipe. A creamy, savory, and slightly sweet soup that is comforting on a cold winter...
Let's begin the summer with this delicious creamy butternut squash and corn soup! This is so simple but makes an excellent lunch to freshen your mood and...
A great butternut squash soup to warm you up in a hurry. Great any time of year. You can adjust the amounts of jalapeño, ginger, and sour cream to whatever...
This is a spicy, flavorful fall soup. It lends it self well to substitutions, and you can use any kind of firm squash and any kind of bean. You can also...
This is a spicy, flavorful fall soup. It lends it self well to substitutions, and you can use any kind of firm squash and any kind of bean. You can also...
My favorite fall soup of all time, roasted butternut squash soup is cheap, easy, nutrition, and absolutely delicious. If you're feeling like something...
My favorite fall soup of all time, roasted butternut squash soup is cheap, easy, nutrition, and absolutely delicious. If you're feeling like something...
Fall is my favorite time of year because I can make this soup. It's filling and delicious! There are many ways to customize the ingredients to suit your...